7. Radiation exposure to daughter's thyroid
Since 2012, with the cooperation of the Medical Federation of Shiga-ken Prefecture, we have been able to provide not only echo examinations but also medical examinations, blood tests, electrocardiograms and other tests.
During the summer vacation of her sophomore year of high school, my daughter also underwent an echo test (ultrasound examination) of her thyroid. The result revealed the existence of a cyst and was graded A-2 (cyst less than 20 mm or nodule less than 5 mm) in size. It turned black before my eyes.
My wife and I became disappointed even though we evacuated to avoid something like this. To be honest, before the inspection, we had some concerns. When my daughter and I evacuated by car, we passed the national road No. 15 that ran north of the village of Iitate ("Iitate-mura") which later became an evacuation order area.
According to the data of "Speedy" ("Rapid Radiation Impact Prediction Network System in Emergency Situations") was published, later it was confirmed that radioactive materials flowed along that path used by us. If I had known this at the beginning on the occasion of our evacuation, we absolutely would not have chosen this route.
The reason Speedy's data was not released was to avoid confusion and panic among residents, officials said. But if we were shown that information, we could act calmly and there would be no panic.
If they inform the residents, it will cause panic, in such a thought they looked down on the residents. It allowed my daughter to be exposed to a nuclear bomb. I think that's really inexcusable.
My daughter was able to enter school through the arrangement of the principal of high school "Kusatsu-koukou" in Shiga-ken where she evacuated. Then went to university Kyoto Prefectural University ("Kjouto-Furitsu-Daigaku").
Graduated from the university, and currently she works in a company in the city of Kyoto. But every year, we pray that our daughter will not be diagnosed with malignancy.