8.Finally I say emphatically
At the time of the great earthquake, I was the head of a local neighborhood, and visited everyone in the area to check the damage caused by the earthquake. The Souma region where we live has history and rich nature, and local residents have helped each other.
However, due to the nuclear power plant accident, the local residents were scattered, and our family was forced from a prosperous and peaceful life to a life at the bottom.
My wife developed PTSD from the nuclear power plant accident, and my family was not allowed to return to Soma-shi. And were destroyed that our hopes and dreams of my daughter and I.
My parents lost their big home that they worked hard to build, and my father and I lost our jobs because our company went bankrupt, and my parents' health worsened and their lives were shortened.
Although our family lived outside the evacuation zone, the damage caused by the nuclear power plant accident is truly immeasurable.
I sincerely hope that the judges will understand that the damage caused by the
nuclear power plant accident was serious and magnificent, and is still ongoing even
now, 12 years later.
Moreover, I am also the representative of the plaintiff group of the trial of evacuees in the region "Kansai-chihou", and the verdict of the Supreme Court in the case of compensation of a nuclear plant last June was hopeless.
The ruling was that even if the government had exercised its regulatory authority to
prevent tsunamis, it could not have prevented the damage caused by the tsunami, and therefore the government was not liable for compensation.
I think this decision is wrong, but before the nuclear power plant accident, the government said: "Nuclear power plants are safe, and accidents will never happen."
However, when a nuclear power plant explosion actually occurred, no one takes responsibility for it. It is not at all permissible that this kind of injustice should not be tolerated.
I sincerely and sincerely wish that the courts will definitely do the justice that the people expect from the judiciary.
I conclude my statement by emphasizing that the government must immediately stop the operation of nuclear power plants, which do not take responsibility and force victims to suffer and cause harm to the people.